Bude Choral Society
Bude Choral Society is a Registered Charity No. 1101044

Home page
Details of our next concert/s
for Names, etc of Officers and Committee
A brief history
An invitation!
Links to both local and National sites

Some Useful Links - courtesy of Bude Choral Society

Link to British Choirs on the Net website
British Choirs on the Net -
with information about Choral Societies
around the country - and Concert Details
Link to www.choralnet.org

The Internet Center for Choral Music

Link to Bude Tourist Information
Bude Visitor Centre - for details of local events, accommodation and and other tourist information
Bude Webcam. A selection of local webcam views
(Some may be a bit fuzzy if it's windy!)
Link - Cornwall County Council Library Information Service

CountyWide Information, Cornwall - a database of thousands of items of community information covering all areas of Cornwall

Link to making Music (formerly NFMS)
Making Music -
the National Federation of Music Societies (NFMS)
Link to Sound Waves South West

Sound Waves South West - a Bude-based Music and Music Therapy Trust the aim of which is to promote "Health through Music"

Suggestions for other links will be welcome -
e-mail us at

© Bude Choral Society